- December 20, 2019: S. Wabnitz presented the lecture: “Nonlinear optics of multimode optical fibers” at the Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
- August 14, 2019: S. Wabnitz presented the lecture: “Nonlinear optics of multimode optical fibers” at the Summer School on Non-Linear Photonics (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, August 12 – 16, 2019),
- November 7, 2018: S. Wabnitz presented a talk “Spatial, temporal and spectral optical pulse shaping in multimode nonlinear optical fibers” at the Fiber Optics Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Russia, Moscow
- November 1st, 2018: STEMS has a new Host Institute, the Department of Information, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (DIET) at Sapienza University of Rome, where the PI has officially moved. The University of Brescia remains as STEMS partner.
- October 16-19, 2018: STEMS International Workshop entitled: “Spatiotemporal Multimode Complex Optical Systems” took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- February 16th, 2018: S. Wabnitz gave a general public talk “The superhighways of light” in the frame of the “International Festival of Light”-CIDNEON 2018 , salone dell’Apollo, Palazzo Martinengo Palatini, University of Brescia
- December 7th, 2017: STEMS project presented by S. Wabnitz’s seminar at Ecole Polytetechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
- November 1st., 2017: The STEMS project has officially started today!
- October 19th, 2017: STEMS project presented by S. Wabnitz’s seminar at Thales Research and Technology France, Campus Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
- October 13th, 2017: STEMS project presented by S. Wabnitz’s seminar at MPQ Laboratory, Paris Diderot University, France

- May 4th, 2017: Press conference to present the STEMS project. Palazzo Martinengo Palatini, Rectorate of the University of Brescia
- November 1st., 2017: The STEMS project has officially started today!